Let's Chat
  • sukhsagarfabcraft@yahoo.in


Any company’s success lies in the hand of its management and its employees.

We at sukhsagar have been following fair trade policies and right approach towards our employees since day one of our business.

We have grown day by day from one room to one shop to a rented factory to our current state of art factory with all latest machines and technology. It’s been a passionate journey and we wish to continue the same way. All thanks to our dedicated staff and of course to our clients.

Working with passion and commitment and having a vision to grow is the mantra that we work with.

We always wish to make our client happy with delivering the best product at the most competitive prices. Our growth lies in the hand of our client and as we always believe that OUR PRODUCT THROUGH WHICH WE EARN SHOULD MAKE OUR CLIENT (RE SELLER) EARN AND MOST IMPORTANTLY SHOULD BE LOVED BY THE END USER (CONSUMER)

As they say client is same as GOD, we respect and entertain each and every of our client howsoever big or small and try to satisfy them with delivering on time and satisfying them.

Our management team includes our mentor Mrs. Chandra kanta khandelwal & four family members as directors namely